A casino (plural: casinos) is an establishment for gambling. They may be integrated into hotels, restaurants, cruise ships or other tourist attractions. They may also stand alone as large buildings or complexes. A casino is not a place to gamble for fun; people gamble to win money. Some casinos specialize in particular types of games, such as baccarat or blackjack.

Casinos range from the sprawling resorts on the Las Vegas Strip to tiny pai gow parlors in New York’s Chinatown. About 51 million people—the equivalent of a quarter of all adults over 21 in the United States—visited casinos last year. These visitors range from the affluent to the frugal, and they come for high stakes, lavish entertainment and glitzy names.

Modern casinos offer a wide selection of services that appeal to every taste and budget. They are often massive complexes combining hotels, casinos, restaurants, shopping centers, concert halls and Spas. They compete for business with each other, and their perks are ever more elaborate.

Some even have catwalks that allow security personnel to look directly down, through one-way glass, at gamblers at the tables and slot machines. The most exclusive casinos cater to wealthy clients, offering opulent suites and top-tier restaurants. They also feature high-end boutiques like Hermes and Chanel. Read on to discover the world’s best casinos, from glitzy Las Vegas hotspots to historic casinos in Monaco and Singapore. These top-ranked casinos offer a level of service that surpasses anything you’ll find in the smallest pai gow parlor.