The thrill of pulling the lever on a land-based slot machine and watching the reels spin is nothing to sneeze at, but playing online slots offers even more fun with more options than ever. These games offer more ways to win and can be played anytime, anywhere on your computer, tablet or mobile device. Just remember that online gambling comes with risks and you should only gamble with money you can afford to lose.

Online slots are totally different from one another and can appeal to players of all styles and budgets. However, there are some main types of slot games:

New online slots:

There are always new, exciting and innovative slot titles released by developers to make online gaming more interesting. They can vary in style from classic video slots revisited in a modern key to those with sensational graphics and lots of special effects. Some of them also include a storyline and bonus rounds, with the chance to unlock more rewards with each spin.

Older slots:

Some players prefer to stick to the older, tried and tested games that they know how to play. Others, on the other hand, may like to try something completely new and fresh. Classic, three-reel slot machines, for instance, are based on traditional fruit machines and offer back-to-basics gameplay. They can be fast and high-volatile with big wins and losses, but can also feature stacked wilds for extra chances to hit a winning line.