Poker is a card game that has some element of chance and skill, but if you want to become a serious player it requires a significant investment of time. You should spend some time studying hand rankings and the basic rules, as well as learning about positions at the table (such as Cut-Off (CO) vs Under the Gun (UTG).
Once you understand the basics of the game it is necessary to develop your own poker strategy. This can be done by self-examination and detailed analysis of your results, or through discussions with more experienced players to get a different perspective on specific hands or concepts.
A good poker player also needs to be disciplined and persistent. This means making the proper decisions at the right times, and not getting distracted or bored while playing. In addition, a good poker player must commit to playing only the most profitable games for their bankrolls.
A basic poker strategy involves opening your range of hands slightly wider in EP than in MP, but only when you have a strong hand. You must also be aggressive enough to put pressure on your opponents, but only if it makes sense to do so. Finally, you should avoid discussing other players’ hands or chatting with them while they are playing; this is considered poor poker etiquette and can give away information that could be useful to your opponents. Also, it can be very distracting for other players and may cause them to make mistakes that cost you money.