Poker is a card game with a large element of chance but also a lot of skill and psychology. Players put chips (representing money) into the middle of the table in a pot before they are dealt cards. When it is a player’s turn they must place an amount into the pot equal to or higher than the raise made by the person before them (the exact rules of poker differ but most games have some variant of this). The highest hand wins the pot. There are five categories of hands, from high to low: high pair, three of a kind, straight, flush, and one pair. The high card breaks ties.
There are many different poker strategies but they all focus on the same thing: position. Having position is being in the last position to act after the flop. Having this advantage allows you to make decisions more easily and more profitably than your opponents.
The first step is to understand the basics of poker. For example, you must understand that it is important to read your opponents. If you can identify aggressive players you can often bluff them into folding and take more of their money. On the other hand, conservative players are easy to spot by their slow betting and tend to fold early in a hand.
Another basic concept is to avoid talking when not in a hand. This is rude and distracts other players. It also gives away information to your opponents and can make them think you are weak.